It's Carnival time! Come to our monthly Stammtisch after the City Challenge and dress up the way nobody's seen you before. ;-)

Stammtisch translates as "table reserved for the regulars" but as internationally-minded people are the most open minded, everyone can come along, have a beer or two and take the chance to meet new people, hang around with old ones and plan where to have pre drinks for the next ESN event ;)

Prizes can be won for the most elaborate costume. So just seize the chance and dress up accordingly. Furthermore, also the worthy winners of the City Challenge will be announced.

Meet us at
Haltestelle Bar (Angerzellgasse 10, 6020 Innsbruck)
at 20:00 on
Tuesday, 5th of March

05/03/2019 - 20:00
Haltestelle Bar
Angerzellgasse 10
6020 Innsbruck